Illustration page showing Lap and Jip. Lap is made from fabric and textured materials and Jip is printed in relief.

Tactile Book Teaching Method 3D-2D

The design and production of a tactile reading book, ‘Lap is weg’ (Lap is lost), as part of an educational project ‘Leerweg 3D-2D’ (a new teaching method 3D-2D). The story was written by Brenda Zwijnenburg (TVI, Royal Dutch Visio) for the youngest braille students, aged 4–6 years. Based on the story and integral to the book, Ann developed a 3D fabric model of Lap and corresponding 2D tactile illustrations. The model, the tactile illustrations and the story in braille and large print help the children understand the relationship between 3D objects and their 2D representation. Children are also encouraged to practise and develop all kinds of tactile spatial skills, in a fun way.

Double page spread with the story in braille on the left and a tactile illustration of Jip on the right.

Tactile illustrations

The main design challenge was to find a tangible and effective way to convey the concept of 3D-2D. As the story develops, the tactile illustrations progress in steps from simple to more challenging. The first illustrations, using simple shapes, are handcrafted from various fabrics and textured materials. The next step is an intermediate form using a combination of materials and 2.5D printing. The very last and most challenging illustration is entirely printed in 2.5D.

Detail: tactile illustration of a toy box, made from a variety of materials and with the word 'open' in braille.
Book cover and spine with the title in braille and a printed tactile image of Lap.
Testing prototype: 3D fabric model of Lap and in exactly the same size the corresponding 2D illustration of Lap.
Testing prototype: 3D lego character Jip next to the matching 2D illustration of Jip.